20 March 2015

Two wagons length contraction thought experiment, version 1

Length contraction thought experiment, figures 15, 16, 17, 18.

We have a double-track railway and we put one wagon on each rail track(figure 15).
The two wagons are totally identical and are having the same length when they are not on the move relative to each other.
At the front and at the back end of each wagon we have put two sensors. Sensors A-B for the wagon A and sensors C-D for the wagon B.(figure 15).
The sensors are affixed on the sides of the wagons which they are between the two rail tracks.
I call them sensors but they are not really sensors, they are not sensing anything.
Each sensor is a long cylindrical object with a diameter of 20 centimetres, and it almost reaches the other wagon.
The sensors will be positioned perpendicular to the side of the wagon in which they are affixed.
On the figure 15, i drew the sensors not perpendicular in order for the image to look like if the sensors collide with each other, because the one wagon is moving towards the other and the sensors will really collide, and also because i have put the one wagon exactly next to the other, and due to that i could not drew the sensors differently because the two wagons are having exactly the same length. On the figures 16 & 17 i drew the sensors perpendicularly.}

The wagon B is not going to move relative to the ground.
The wagon A will move at a speed close to the speed of light relative to the ground, and it will pass next to the wagon B.
So, the relative speed between the two wagons will be close to the speed of light.
When the two wagons are in relative motion with each other and are passing the one next to the other, the sensors of the one wagon will collide with the sensors of the other wagon.
The sensors are made of a material that is easy to shatter into many pieces in a collision at very high speed.
The four sensors collide as pairs.
The one pair is the sensors A & C, and the other pair is the sensors B & D.
We will put the sensors A & C at 150 centimetres from the ground, and the sensors B & D at 120 centimetres from the ground.
This means that the sensor A can collide only with the sensor C, and the sensor B can collide only with the sensor D.
When two sensors collide at high speed, there will be an explosion and debris of the two sensors will be flying around.
Practically, the debris of the two sensors will be mixed when they are destroyed by the force of the collision.

relativity theory error

We start the expirement.
The wagon A is moving towards the wagon B at a speed close to the speed of light.
Finally the wagon A passes next to the wagon B.

The figure 16 shows which is the reality for the wagon B, according to the theory of relativity and the scientific community.
The scientific community says that on the reference frame of the wagon B, the reality is that the wagon A will be really contracted.
On the left side of the drawing(figure 16) we see the wagon A approaching the wagon B.
The sensor B passes below the sensor C, and there is no contact between the sensors.
On the right side of the figure 16 we see what happens while the wagon A continues to move.
We see that the sensor A collides with the sensor C.
So, the reality on the wagon B, is that the sensors C & A collide before the sensors D & B(figure 16).
The sensor A is destroyed simultaneously with the sensor C, or not??????
Of course the two sensors are destroyed simultaneously!!!!!!!
It's like when two cars collide with each other!!!!!
The two cars will be destroyed simultaneously, regardless if we say that there are in different reference frames!!!!
In order for the sensor C to be destroyed, it must collide with the sensor A, and in order for the sensor A to be destroyed, it must collide with the sensor C, therefore the reality is that the two sensors are destroyed simultaneously, regardless if they are in different reference frames, and we have no doubt about that, and there is no reason to look towards the two sensors in order to see if they will be destroyed simultaneously, but instead, anyone in the Universe, regardless of its motion, understands that when two sensors collide they will be destroyed simultaneously!!!!!!!
Which means that the fact that the sensors C & A will be destroyed simultaneously has nothing to do with the ''relativity of simultaneity'', because it has nothing to do with what someone sees!!!!

theory of relativity error
Sensors A & C collide and destroyed before the sensors B & D.

The sensors D & B are intact when the collision of the sensors A & C occurred(figure 16)????
Of course they are intact!!!!!!
When the sensors C & A collide(figure 16), the sensor A will be destroyed simultaneously with the sensor C, and when those two sensors are destroyed, the sensor B is intact because also the sensor D is intact because they have not collide yet!!!!!
On the wagon B, the explosion on the sensor C is happening before the explosion on the sensor D.
And so, also on the wagon A, the explosion on the sensor A must be happening before the explosion on the sensor B, because the sensors C & A are destroyed simultaneously, and also the sensors D & B are destroyed simultaneously, regardless if they are in different reference frames!!!!!!
Can we say that the explosion on the sensor B is really happening before the explosion on the sensors A & C(figure 16)???????
There is the collision of the sensors A & C, and the collision of the sensors B & D.
The order of the collisions/explosions has nothing to do with what someone sees, but it has to do with the fact that the wagon A is actually contracted!!!!!!!!
The fact that the wagon A is actually contracted(figure 16)determines which will be the actual order of collisions/explosions!!!!!!!!
Therefore the order of collisions has nothing to do with the ''relativity of simultaneity'', because we are not talking about the apparent order of events!!!!!!!
The fact that the wagon A is actually contracted, determines the reality!!!!!!
The fact that the wagon A is actually contracted, determines that first there will be the collision/explosion of the sensors C & A, and second there will be the collision/explosion of the sensors D & B!!!!!!!

I am not talking about what someone sees because of the position that is standing or because is moving!!!!!
For example, if someone is inside the wagon B and is standing next the sensor D, maybe he will not see that the explosion of the sensors C & A is happening first, but instead, maybe he will see that the collission between the sensors D & B is happening first.
But he knows that what he sees it's not the real sequence of explosions.
Because if the wagon A is really contracted, the real sequence of collisions/explosions is ONE, regardless of what someone sees.
The humans that are inside the wagon B, they will all agree with each other that the reality on their own wagon is ONE even if they don't see the same thing.
Because humans in different positions inside the wagon, will see different thing.
The humans close to the sensor C will see different thing than the humans close to the sensor D.
But they will agree that even though they will see different thing, the real order of explosions is ONE.

There are two collisions/explosions, and two sensors are destroyed on each explosion.
When two sensors collide and an explosion occurs, this explosion is one event, that is happening simultaneously on the two sensors,
which means that is happening simultaneously on the two wagons.
First fact:
On the wagon's B reference frame, the explosion on the sensor C is really happening before the explosion on the sensor D.
Second fact:
In order for the sensors C & D to explode, they must collide with the sensors A & B. 
And that means that the sensor A explodes simultaneously with the sensor C, and the sensor B explodes simultaneously with the sensor D.
And that means that the real order of explosions must be the same in both wagons because the sensors exploded as pairs.
When the sensors C & A collide(figure 16), and the sensor A explodes, the sensor B has not being destroyed yet, which means that the reality on the wagon A must be that the sensor A will be destroyed before the sensor B!!!!!
If the reality on the wagon B is that the sensor D is destroyed after the sensor C, this means that the reality on the wagon A must be that the sensor B is destroyed after the sensor Abecause the sensor B is destroyed simultaneously with the 
sensor D!!!!!
But as we can see on the figure 17if we accept that the length contraction is a reciprocal effect, we have to say that on the reference frame of the wagon A the explosion on the sensors D & B is happening first, which means that the sensor B will be destroyed before the sensor A!!!!!!!

On the figure 17 we see which is the reality for the wagon A, according to the scientific community and the theory of relativity.
The scientific community says that on the reference frame of the wagon Athe wagon B is really contracted.
On the left side of the drawing we see the two wagons approaching one another(figure 17).
The sensor B passes below the sensor C, and there is no contact between the sensors.
On the right side of the figure 17 we see what happens while the wagon A continues to move.
{ Or instead, we can say that the wagon B continues to move , because the reality for the wagon A is that the wagon B is moving, or we can say that they approaching one another.}
And we see that the sensors B & D collide first, and not the sensors A & C, which is the opposite than the reality according to the wagon B!!!!!!!
The actual order of collisions/explosions is determined by the fact that we say that the wagon B is actually contracted, and it has nothing to do with what someone sees!!!!
The "relativity of simultaneity" has no involvement here because we are talking about the actual order of events which is determined by the fact that the wagon B is actually contracted!!!
The fact that the wagon B is actually contracted, determines that the collision of the sensors B & D will actually occur before the collision of the sensors A & C(figure 17)!!!!!

Let's see it again:
For the wagon B, the reality is that the collision/explosion of the sensors C & A occurred first, and the collision/explosion on the sensors D & B second(figure 16).
For the wagon A, the reality is that the collision/explosion of the sensors B & D occurred first, and the collision/explosion on the sensors  A & C second(figure 17).
They are not talking about the apparent order of collisions, but they are talking about the actual order of collisions!!!!!!!
We will say that both realities are acceptable???????
There are two different realities about the actual order  of explosions, and not about the apparent order of explosions!!!!!!
The reality according to the wagon B is that first there will be the collision/explosion of the sensors A & C, and the reality according to the wagon A is that first there will be the collision/explosion of the sensors B & D!!!!!!!
The apparent order of events is something totally different than the actual order of events!!!!
The actual order of two events is something that it is not debatable!!!!!!!
We can understand which is the actual order between two events anywhere on the Universe regardless of what we see, and every other person on the Universe will agree about that actual order of events regardless if he is on a different reference frame!!!!!!
By being on a different reference frame someone may disagree on the apparent order of events, but he could not disagree about the actual order of events!!!!!!!!!

theory of relativity error
Sensors B & D collide and destroyed before the sensors A & C.

According to the reality for the wagon B(figure 16), the sensor C will be destroyed before the sensor D, and the sensor A of the wagon A will be destroyed before the sensor B.
According to the reality for the wagon A(figure 17), the sensor B will be destroyed before the sensor A, and the sensor D of the wagon B will be destroyed before the sensor C.
So, there are two completely different expected realities!!!!!
We have to tell which of the two different expected realities will actually happen!!!!!!!
The realities according to both wagons, are talking about the actual order of events on both wagons, and not about the apparent order!!!!!!

So, according to the reality for the wagon A(figure 17), the sensor B will be destroyed before the sensor A!!!!!
Assume that there are many humans inside the two wagons at different positions.
The humans that are inside the wagon B, will say that the sensor A is destroyed simultaneously with the sensor C, and both will be actually destroyed before the sensors D & B(figure 16), and they are talking about the actual order of explosions, regardless of what someone sees!!!!
And so how can the humans on the wagon B accept the idea that the sensor B is actually destroyed before the sensor A, which is an idea which the humans of the wagon A will tell???????
According to the reality on the wagon B, when the collision of the sensors A & C is taken place, the sensor B is not near to the sensor D(figure 16), and so in any way they cannot accept the idea that the sensor B could explode before the sensor A, because that means that the sensor B will explode without collision with the sensor D!!!!!!

If someone believes that the reality on the wagon A will be that the sensor B will be actually destroyed before the sensor A, and the reality on the wagon B will be that the sensor C will be actually destroyed before the sensor Dthis means that we have to accept that when two sensors collide, they will not be destroyed simultaneously, and of course we cannot accept that!!!!!!
When two sensors collide, they will be destroyed simultaneously, and that fact connects the realities on the two wagons!!!!!!

Let's see the following hypothetical scenario.
As we have seen in this thought experiment, two collisions/explosions will happen, one between the sensors A & C and another between the sensors B & D.
Let's hypothetically say that the two explosions are very powerful and they could destroy a big part of each wagon.
Let's for example say that, the sensors are made of explosive materials, and a big explosion will occur when two sensors collide.
In that case there is the following question:
Which part of the wagons is destroyed first???????
When two sensors collide, the parts of the two wagons next to those two sensors, will be actually destroyed
simultaneously by the explosion of the sensors!!!!!!
So, two explosions will occur, one explosion between the sensors A & C and another between the sensors B & D, and each explosion will actually destroy simultaneously a part of each wagon!!!!!
The reality for the wagon B is that the wagon A is really contracted, and that means that the sensors C & A will collide before the 
sensors D & B ( figure 16).
So, the sensors C & A collide and explode, and the explosion destroys simultaneously a part of the wagon A next to the sensor A, and a part of the wagon B next to the sensor C(figure 16).
When the part next to the sensor A is destroyed, the part of the wagon A next to the sensor B is intact because also the part next to the sensor D is intact(figure 16), which means that the part next to the sensor A is destroyed before the part next to the sensor B!!!!!!!
This means that the reality on the wagon A must be that the part next to the sensor A will be actually destroyed before the part of the wagon next to the sensor B!!!!!!!!
The part next to the sensor B will be destroyed simultaneously with the part of the wagon B next to the sensor D, and the part next to the sensor D will be destroyed after the part next to the sensor C!!!!!
All of that means that the part next to the sensor C will be destroyed before the part next to the sensor D, and the part next to the sensor A will be destroyed before the part next to the sensor B, because the part next to the sensor A will be destroyed simultaneously with the part next to the sensor C.
But we say that length contraction is real and reciprocal, and this means that the reality for the wagon A is that the wagon B is really contracted.
If we accept that the length contraction is a reciprocal effect, the reality for the wagon A will be that the sensors B & D will collide before the sensors A & C ( figure 17)!!!!
This means that on the wagon A, the reality will be that the part of the wagon next to the sensor B will be destroyed before the part next to the sensor A!!!!!!!!!!
But this is the opposite than the expected result according to the reality for the wagon B!!!!!!!!!
Which of the two is going to happen???????
Is there any possibility to say that, when two sensors collide with each other, they will not be destroyed simultaneously??????
Of course we cannot say that!!!!!!!!
The reality is that when a part of the wagon B next to the sensor C is destroyed, simultaneously a part of the wagon A next to the sensor A will be destroyed, regardless if they are in different reference frames!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine that we are on the wagon B(figure 16), and a part of the wagon next to the sensor C is destroyed by the explosion of the sensors C & A.
When the part next to the sensor C is destroyed, simultaneously the part of the wagon A next to the 
sensor A will be destroyed by the explosion of the sensors C & A, and we cannot say something different about that!!!!!!
At that moment, meaning at the moment that the explosion of the sensors C & A occurs, and the parts of the wagons next to the sensors A & C are destroyed, can we say that the part next to the sensor B has already been destroyed before the part next to the sensor Awhich is something that we have to accept as reality for the wagon A if we accept the reciprocal length contraction?????????
At the moment that the explosion of the sensors C & A occurs, can we say that the part next to the sensor B has already been destroyed, while at the same time saying that the part next to the sensor D has not been destroyed yet??????
The part next to the sensor D will be destroyed simultaneously with the part next to the sensor B, and both will be destroyed by the same explosion!!!!!
If at the moment of the explosion of the sensors C & A, the part of the wagon B next to the sensor D is actually intact, how can we say that the part of the wagon A next to the sensor B has already been destroyed before the collision of the sensors C & A??????????
I believe that the problem is more than obvious!!!!!!!!!!

An important note.
It is easy for someone to make the following observation:
The observation is that, it will be almost impossible to construct two totally identical wagons, and it will be almost impossible to make the distance between the sensors A & B to be exactly the same with the distance between the sensors C & D.
And so that means, that we have to accept the fact that the distance between the sensors A & B will be slightly different than the distance between the 
sensors C & D.
So, what happens then???????
If we accept that the length contraction is real, even if the length of the wagons is not exactly the same when the two wagons are not on relative motion with each other, it doesn't make any difference to the contradicting assumptions of the experiment.
For example, let's say that when the two wagons are not in relative motion with each other, intentionally we make the one wagon larger, and the distance between the sensors A & B is larger by 1 millimetre than the distance between the sensors C & D.
When the percentage of the length contraction is 10-20-30- 40-50 per cent, the 1 millimetre will not make a difference.
For example let's say that the length of the wagons is 10 metres and the percentage of length contraction is 30 %.
That means that the length of the wagons is contracted by 3 metres.
As you can understand, in that case, the 1 millimetre will not make any difference to the order/sequence of the collisions.
If there is no length contraction, only then, the 1 millimetre will make a difference.
If there is no length contraction, the real order of the collisions between the sensors depends of the 1 millimetre difference in length.

An event produces a result and can affect the whole Universe.
If there are two events, the actual order/sequence of those events produces some specific results.
If the actual order of events is different, there will be different results, potentially to the whole Universe.
Those results are having ONE reality, but on this thought experiment, if we accept that the length contraction is real and reciprocal effect, we will have two different expected results!!!!!!!
But the results are having only one reality!!!!!!!
In order to understand better the problem, let's focus on the following scenario(figure 18).
Let's hypothetically say that the sensors A & C are made of a white material and the collision/explosion of the sensors A & C produces white debris, and the sensors B & D are made of a black material and the collision/explosion of the sensors B & D produces black debris.
The debris from the two collisions/explosions will fall on the two wagons and also on everything around the two wagons.
The debris from each explosion, will fall simultaneously on everything around the explosion, because are the same debris, produced by one event, one explosion, that will fall on everything!!!

Imagine that we are on the wagon A during the relative motion between the two wagons.
For us on the wagon A, the reality is that the wagon B is really contracted, and so the only possible reality is that the explosion on the sensors B & D will occur first(figure 17).
So, the collision of the sensors B & D occurs and black debris are flying around, and the debris will start falling on the two wagons and on everything around the explosion(figure 18, B).
According to the reality for the wagon A, the collision of the sensors B & D occured before the collision of the sensors A & C, which produces white debris.
And this means that the black debris will be produced before the white debris!!!!
And that also means that the black debris will fall on the two wagons and on ground before the white debris, and the white debris from the explosion on the sensors A & C will be placed over the black debris!!!!!
When the black debris from the collision of the sensors B & D will start spreading on the two wagons, the white debris 
from the sensors A & C have not being produced yet, because the sensors A & C have not collide yet( figure 18, B)!!!!!!
Which means that the reality on the wagon B must be that the black debris will start falling on the wagon B before the white debris from the sensors A & C, which means that on the wagon A and also on the wagon B, the white debris will be the upper layer of debris!!!!!!
But the theory of relativity dictates that according to the humans on the wagon B, the reality is going to be different(figure 16)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According the reality of the wagon B, the white debris from the explosion of the sensors A & C will be produced first and so they 
will fall down first(figure 18, A), and the black debris from the explosion of the sensors B & D will be placed above them, because according to the humans on the wagon B, the only possible reality is that the explosion on the sensors A & C will occur first, because their reality is that the wagon A is really contracted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, which of the two is going to happen???????

relativity theory error

According to the humans on the wagon A, the explosion on the sensors B & D occurred first, and so the black debris from this explosion will be produced first and they will fall down first, and the white debris from the second explosion will be placed over the black debris.
The humans on the wagon A, are convinced that the black debris will be the down layer of debris and the white debris will be the upper layer of debris, because they are not talking about an apparent order of explosions, but they are talking about the actual order of explosions because they say that the other wagon is really contracted.
The humans on each wagon, they can tell which they expect to be the actual order of the two collisions/explosions with their eyes closed, because they say that the other wagon is really contracted.
Because if you say that the other wagon is really contracted, the actual order of explosions is more than obvious, and you don't need to look at the explosions.

If the collision/explosion of the sensors A & C occurred first, according to the reality of the wagon Bthe white debris will fall down on the two wagons and the black debris will be placed above them(figure 18, A).
If the collision/explosion of the sensors B & D occurred first, according to the reality of the wagon Athe black debris will fall down on the two wagons and the white debris will be placed above them(figure 18, B).
Which of the two is going to happen????????
The result is going to be ONE, so we must tell which of the two will happen, because we cannot say that both are acceptable!!!!
After the two explosions occurred, we can look at the two wagons and in everything around the area in which the two explosions occurred, and if we see that the black debris are the upper layer and the white debris are the lower layer, this is the indication that the explosion on the sensors A & C occured first!!!!!
This is one result!!!!!!!!!!! This is ONE reality!!!!!!!!!!!
The debris that are the down layer of debris, are the debris that are produced first, and that indicates which collision occurred first.
If the order of the collisions is the order that the humans on the wagon B are saying, the two wagons and the surrounding area will have a certain pattern of coverage by the debris of the two collisions!!!!
But if the order of the collisions is the order that the humans on the wagon A are saying, then the coverage by the debris will be different!!!!!
But, the way that the debris will cover everything around the two collisions/explosions, is ONE and the same!!!!!!!!!!
The debris from each explosion, will cover everything simultaneously.
The debris will fall on everything at the same order, because are the same debris that will fall on everything!!!!!
We cannot say that there will be different results on the two wagons, because the debris from each collision of sensors will fall simultaneously on the two wagons!!!!!!!
For example, when the debris from the explosion of the sensors B & D are spreading on the wagon A, simultaneously they are spreading on the wagon B and on everything around the two wagons!!!!!!!!
If the black debris are the lower layer of debris on the wagon A, then they will also be the lower layer of debris on the wagon B!!!
The humans who are inside the wagon A, expecting that not only on their own wagon but also on the wagon B, the white debris from the explosion of the sensors A & C will be the upper layer, because they say that this is the second explosion( figure 18, B)and the debris will fall simultaneously on everything.
But the humans on the wagon B expecting that the opposite is going to happen(figure 18, A), meaning that the black debris from the explosion on the sensors B & D are going to be the upper layer on both wagons!!!!!!!!!

We are going to have two collisions of sensors.
Collision of the sensors A & C, and collision of the sensors B & D.
The debris that will be produced by each collision of sensors, are consisted by debris from both sensors, and those debris have been produced simultaneously, they will become one mass of debris, and they will cover everything simultaneously.
When the debris from one collision of sensors are covering the one wagon, they are covering simultaneously the other wagon, because are the same debris, by the same explosion, that are covering the two wagons and the ground, and this has nothing to do with what someone may see, meaning that has nothing to do with the ''relativity of simultaneously''!!!!!!
Meaning, for example, that when the black debris from the collision of the sensors B & D are covering the wagon A, simultaneously they cover the wagon B.
And if the white debris from the collision of the sensors A & C are falling on the wagon A after the black derbris, the same must happen on the 
wagon B!!!!!
So the important that we must have in mind is that, when two sensors collide, one mass of debris is produced, and those debris will cover everything simultaneously.
When two sensors collide, the debris from the collision will be flying in the air!!!!!!!
If the collision of the sensors A & C occurs first(wagon's B reality), the white debris from this collision will be flying in the air before the black debris from the collision of the sensors B & D, and the white debris will fall on everything(ground and wagons) before the black debriswhich means that the upper layer of debris will be black, on the wagons and on the ground!!!!!
If the collision of the sensors B & D occurs first(wagon's A reality), the black debris from this collision will be flying in the air before the white debris from the collision of the sensors A & Cand the black debris will fall on everything(ground and wagons) before the white debris, which means that the upper layer of debris will be white, on the wagons and on the ground!!!!!
So, which of the two will happen???????

There are two facts that will determine the coverage by the debris:
The first fact is the order by which the debris are produced.
The second fact is that the debris will fall on everything simultaneously.
But if we accept that the length contraction is real and reciprocalthe order of the production of the debris is different on the two wagons, and the humans on both wagons are talking about the actual order of the explosions and not for the apparent order, because they say that the other wagon is really contracted!!!
But of course the result will be one, and we cannot accept both answers!!!!!

We expect that the interval between the two collisions/explosions will be very small, but it depends on the length of the wagons.
With longer wagons, there will be longer interval between the collisions.
But anyhow, that does not change the fact that there will be debris that are produced before other debris, and they will cover a certain surface before other debris.
The majority of the debris that we will see on the upper layer, it will be from the second collision/explosion.
But, which is that collision??????
If for example the collision/explosion of the sensors A & C occurred first( according to the wagon B), when we are looking to the wagons and the surrounding area, we will see less white debris and more black debris on the upper layer, because the black debris from the explosion on the sensors B & D will fall over the white debris.
According to the reality on the wagon B, the black debris will be the majority on the upper layer of debris(figure 18, A).
According to the reality on the wagon A, the white debris will be the majority on the upper layer of debris(figure 18, B).

So, with the help of this thought experiment we understand that, in many relative motions between two objects, for example when there is contactthere are produced some results.
The results that are produced, have only one reality, but if we accept the fact that the ''length contraction'' is real and reciprocal effect, we end up with two different possible realitiesand so we have to tell which of the two is happening!!!!!!!!