posted, 20 March 2015.
we focus on the ''relative velocity time dilation'' thought experiment,
let's see a hypothetical situation.
Suppose i'm in a spaceship, and two other spaceships are moving
towards my spaceship.
one spaceship is moving at 0.5 c
relative to my spaceship, and the other spaceship is moving at 0.7 c
relative to my spaceship.
According to the scientific
community, the humans on those two spaceships are seeing ''time
dilation'' on my spaceship.
according to the scientific community, the humans on the two
spaceships are
not seeing the same magnitude of ''time dilation''
on my spaceship, because they are having different speeds relative to
my spaceship!!!!!!!!!
the time on my spaceship is running at one
and not at two different rates!!!!!
clocks on my spaceship are having one
ticking rate,
and are not having two different ticking rates!!!!!!
motion of the two spaceships will affect the actual ticking rate of the clocks on my spaceship?????
Of course not!!!
Of course not!!!
My spaceship is on the move not only relative to the two
spaceships, but it is in relative motion, at different
speeds, relative to almost everything else on the Universe, but of
course the clocks on my spaceship are not running at trillions
different ticking rates!!!!!!
also the two other spaceships, are in relative motion not only with
my spaceship, but are in relative motion, at trillions different
speeds, relative to almost everything else on the Universe!!!!!!!!!
of course, each spaceship has only one actual ''time''!!!!!!
we say that the motion of the two spaceships relative to my spaceship
will not affect the actual ''time'' on my spaceship, the
same applies to the two spaceships and to everything else on the
The scientific community believes that the time on the fast moving muons that are produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth, is slower than the time on Earth, and they say that this is a proof that the "relative velocity time dilation" exist!!!!
But if we accept that those muons that are moving towards the Earth are having slower time than the Earth due to their motion relative to the Earth, this also means that a spaceship that is moving towards the Earth will have slower time than the Earth!!!!
But if we accept that those muons that are moving towards the Earth are having slower time than the Earth due to their motion relative to the Earth, this also means that a spaceship that is moving towards the Earth will have slower time than the Earth!!!!
The following thought experiment tests these ideas!!!!
dilation thought experiment.
Somewhere in our solar system there are six identical
spaceships(figure 6).
The spaceships 1,2 & 3 are
forming one group of spaceships, and the spaceships 4,5 & 6 are
forming another group.
So there are two groups of
The spaceships 1,2 & 3 are the
one next to the other, and the spaceships 4,5 & 6 are also the
one next to the other.
The two groups of spaceships are
far away from each other.
The distance between the two
groups of spaceships is hundreds of millions of kilometres(or even billions), and the Earth is
exactly between the two groups of spaceships(figure 6).
I don't give a specific distance because we can use whatever distance we want!! It doesn't matter!!!
I don't give a specific distance because we can use whatever distance we want!! It doesn't matter!!!
This means that the six spaceships
are having exactly the same distance from the Earth, and are located at two opposite directions relative to the Earth.
Each spaceship displays its time
in a big screen outside the spaceship(figure
So, we can always see which is the
time on each spaceship.
At first the six spaceships are
not moving relative to the Earth and relative to each other.
Of course
they are moving relative to other objects.
The clocks on the Earth and the
clocks on the six spaceships are synchronised with each other.
We know which is the distance between the Earth and the
spaceships, we know how much ''time'' the light need to travel that
distance, and so it's easy to synchronise the clocks on the
spaceships with the clocks on the Earth.
For example, from the Earth we send an electromagnetic signal stating our time at a specific moment, and let's say that on this signal we say that our time is 13:00:00.
When the spaceships receive that signal, because of the fact they know the distance and the time the light need to travel that distance, and for example let's say that it is 10 minutes, they will add this time to the time that we have send to them, and so they always know which is the time on Earth and they will use it as their own time!!!
So, at the moment the spaceships receive the signal from the Earth which says that the time is 13:00:00, they know that the time on Earth is actually 13:10:00, and they will use this as their own time!!!
This means that the clocks on the
Earth and the clocks on the spaceships are actually
displaying the same time and ticking at the same rate.For example, from the Earth we send an electromagnetic signal stating our time at a specific moment, and let's say that on this signal we say that our time is 13:00:00.
When the spaceships receive that signal, because of the fact they know the distance and the time the light need to travel that distance, and for example let's say that it is 10 minutes, they will add this time to the time that we have send to them, and so they always know which is the time on Earth and they will use it as their own time!!!
So, at the moment the spaceships receive the signal from the Earth which says that the time is 13:00:00, they know that the time on Earth is actually 13:10:00, and they will use this as their own time!!!
Figure 6. The signal with the order to accelerate has reach the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6
and are starting to move towards the Earth.
The spaceships are having identical engines, and let's suppose that their engines are very powerful and
they can accelerate extremely fast.
At some point, the humans
on the Earth are sending towards the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 an electromagnetic signal with the order to accelerate at full force with a direction towards the Earth, and since the spaceships are identical and have identical engines this means that they will accelerate at the same rate.
The Earth is at the same
distance from the six spaceships, and so the signal with the order to
accelerate will reach the spaceships simultaneously(figure 6).
So, the spaceships 2,3,5 &
6 will accelerate extremely fast,
and each spaceship is moving towards
the Earth,
which is exactly between the two groups of spaceships(figure 6).
This means that the spaceships 2 &
3 are moving towards the spaceships 5 & 6, and the spaceships 5 &
6 are moving towards the
spaceships 2 & 3.
spaceships 2 & 3.
So we have two moving pairs of
The one moving pair is the
spaceships 2 & 3 and the other is the spaceships 5 & 6.
The spaceships 2 & 3 are always stationary relative to each other, and the spaceships 5 & 6 are always stationary relative to each other.
The spaceships 2 & 3 are always stationary relative to each other, and the spaceships 5 & 6 are always stationary relative to each other.
spaceships 1 & 4 are always stationary relative to the Earth
and relative to each other.
spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will have the same rate of acceleration, since they have identical engines and they accelerate at full force.
When the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 reach the speed of 0.4 c relative to the Earth they will stop accelerating, and thereafter they will move constantly with that speed relative to the Earth, with a direction towards the Earth and towards the other pair of moving spaceships.
The four spaceships will reach the same speed relative to the Earth simultaneously because they have started to accelerate simultaneously and they accelerated at the same rate!!!
When the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 reach the speed of 0.4 c relative to the Earth they will stop accelerating, and thereafter they will move constantly with that speed relative to the Earth, with a direction towards the Earth and towards the other pair of moving spaceships.
The four spaceships will reach the same speed relative to the Earth simultaneously because they have started to accelerate simultaneously and they accelerated at the same rate!!!
Instead of 0.4 c,
we can use whatever relative speed we want}
the acceleration of the four moving spaceships stops, the four
spaceships will be having the same speed relative to the Earth.
So, when the acceleration of the four spaceships stops, all that is left is relative motion at constant speed between each spaceship and the Earth, and also relative motion at constant speed between the two moving pairs of spaceships.
The four spaceships will start accelerating simultaneously because the signal with the order to accelerate will reach them simultaneously, and they will stop accelerating simultaneously because they will reach the same speed relative to the Earth simultaneously, since they will accelerate at the same rate, and the proof that this is how everything will happen is the fact that the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 will reach the Earth simultaneously(figure 7).
So, when the acceleration of the four spaceships stops, all that is left is relative motion at constant speed between each spaceship and the Earth, and also relative motion at constant speed between the two moving pairs of spaceships.
The four spaceships will start accelerating simultaneously because the signal with the order to accelerate will reach them simultaneously, and they will stop accelerating simultaneously because they will reach the same speed relative to the Earth simultaneously, since they will accelerate at the same rate, and the proof that this is how everything will happen is the fact that the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 will reach the Earth simultaneously(figure 7).
spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will reach the Earth simultaneously(figure 7),
they were moving at the same speed relative to the Earth, they were
having the same acceleration, and they have to travel the same
distance on their journey towards the Earth.
spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will collide a few kilometres away from the
Earth(figure 7).
spaceship 2 will collide with the spaceship 5, and the spaceship 3
will collide with the spaceship 6.
four spaceships will collide exactly between the spaceships 1 &
The humans on the Earth will watch
the collision of the four spaceships with telescopes, and they will
see what time the clocks on the spaceships are displaying just before
their collision.
And of course, the humans that are
inside the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6, can also see what time the
clocks on the other moving spaceships are displaying just before
their collision.
On the surface of the Earth we have constructed a big screen that displays the time of the Earth, and the humans on the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 can see(using telescopes) the time that the screen displays when the four spaceships have reached the Earth(figure 7)!!!
On the surface of the Earth we have constructed a big screen that displays the time of the Earth, and the humans on the spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 can see(using telescopes) the time that the screen displays when the four spaceships have reached the Earth(figure 7)!!!
The spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will be destroyed by the collision, and the humans that are inside those spaceships will die, but we don't care about that because this is just a thought experiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
care only about what the humans on the spaceships and on the Earth
will see just before the collision of the spaceships!!!!!!!
Οr, instead for the spaceships
2,3,5 & 6 to collide with each other, they can pass the one next
to the other and they continue their motion.!!!!
Likewise in this version, the
humans on the Earth and the humans on the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6,
can see what the clocks of the spaceships are displaying when they
pass the one next to the other.
Choose which version you want!!!
I prefer the version with the collision.
The spaceships 2 & 3 are stationary relative to each other, and also the spaceships 5 & 6 are stationary relative to each other.
The spaceships 2, 3, 5 & 6 will reach the Earth simultaneously.
At the moment just before the
collision of spaceships 2,3,5 & 6(figure 7), the clocks on the four spaceships
will display the same time with the clocks in the Earth?????
According to the belief of the
scientific community and the theory of relativity, at the moment of
their collision, the clocks on the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will not
display the same time with the clocks in the Earth, but instead the time
that the four spaceships will display, will be some seconds or
minutes behind the clocks in the Earth!!!!!
we say that?????
according to the scientific community,
while the four spaceships are moving,
the time on the spaceships is running slower than the time on the
For example, the scientific
community says that the time on the fast moving muons
that are produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth,
is running slower than the time on the Earth and slower than the time
on the slow moving muons, and that's why the fast
moving muons which are produced by
cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth are having much longer
lifetime than the slow moving muons.
The scientific community says that this is happening due to the relative motion at high constant speed between the Earth and the muons.
The scientific community says that this is happening due to the relative motion at high constant speed between the Earth and the muons.
Similarly we must say that the
time on the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will run slower than the time on the Earth.
A spaceship must not be treated differently than a muon!!!
If we say that the time on a muon runs slower than the Earth's time due to its motion relative to the Earth, then we also must say that the time on a spaceship will run slower due to is motion relative to the Earth.
A spaceship must not be treated differently than a muon!!!
If we say that the time on a muon runs slower than the Earth's time due to its motion relative to the Earth, then we also must say that the time on a spaceship will run slower due to is motion relative to the Earth.
So the result will be that just
before the collision of the four spaceships, their clocks will not display
the same time with the clocks of the Earth, but instead the time that the
clocks on the spaceships will display, will be a few seconds or
minutes behind the clocks of the Earth, and
this will be something that the humans on the Earth can see because it will happen very close to the Earth.
Let's create an example with a
hypothetical difference between the clocks.
Let's for example say that, at the
moment of the collision between the spaceships 2 & 5(next to the Earth), the clock on
the spaceship 2
displays a ''time'' 3 minutes behind the clocks on the Earth.
displays a ''time'' 3 minutes behind the clocks on the Earth.
In that hypothetical case, not all 3 minutes of difference are caused by the relative motion at
constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2,
because the spaceship 2 also undergoes acceleration.
the spaceship 2 accelerates, its
clock is running slower due to the acceleration.
the acceleration of the spaceship stops, all that is
left is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the
spaceship 2.
According to the belief of the scientific community, during this relative motion the time on the spaceship is running at a slower rate than the Earth's time.
spaceship 2.
According to the belief of the scientific community, during this relative motion the time on the spaceship is running at a slower rate than the Earth's time.
So for example, on this hypothetical
case where the clocks(Earth's - spaceship 2) are displaying 3 minutes difference, we can say that the
1 minute difference is produced during the acceleration of the spaceship 2, and the other 2 minutes of difference are the result of the relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2.
1 minute difference is produced during the acceleration of the spaceship 2, and the other 2 minutes of difference are the result of the relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2.
If at the moment of the
collision of the four spaceships(figure 7), the only difference between the
clocks on the spaceship 2 and the clocks on the Earth, is the
difference that we expect by the acceleration of the spaceship,
this will mean that when the acceleration stops and there is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2, the time on the Earth and on the spaceship was running at the same rate meaning that there was no ''relative velocity time dilation''!!!!!!!!!
{ The minutes in the difference of
the clocks that i present here(1-2-3 minutes) are not based in
calculations, but are presented only in order to create an example.}
the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 collide next to the Earth(figure 7), they will display the same time
with each other?????
clocks of the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 will display the same time
with each other, at the moment just before their collision.
we say that?????
Because according to the Earth's reference frame, the spaceships 2,3,5 & 6 were having the same speed relative to
the Earth, they were having the
same acceleration, and they have travelled the same
If for example, the humans on the
Earth are expecting that at the moment just before the collision of
the four spaceships, the clock on the spaceship 2 will display a
''time'' three minutes behind the clocks on the Earth, the same they
will expect for the spaceships 3,5 & 6.
According to the reference frame of the Earth, the spaceships 2 & 3 were having the same
speed relative to the Earth, they were having the same acceleration,
and they have travelled the same distance!!!!!
And that's why the spaceships 2 &
3 will display the same ''time'' on their clocks, when they collide
with the spaceships 5 & 6.
The humans on the Εarth will see
that the spaceships 2 & 3 are displaying the same time, at the
moment of the collision of the four spaceships.
But of course, also the humans on
the spaceships 2 & 3, just before the collision, will see that
the two spaceships are displaying the same time.
So we say that at the moment of
the collision of the spaceships, the spaceship 3 will display the
same time with the spaceship 2, because it has the same speed
relative to the Earth, it has the same acceleration, and it travels
the same distance with the spaceship 2.
according to the reference frame of the Earth, also the spaceship
5 has the same speed with the spaceship 2 relative to the Earth, it
has the same acceleration with the spaceship 2, and it has travelled
the same distance with the spaceship 2.
the clock on the spaceship 5 will also display the same ''time'' with
the spaceship 2, at the moment of their collision!!!!!
And the same applies to the
spaceship 6 which will collide with the spaceship 3.
So, at the moment of their
collision, the four spaceships will display the same ''time'', and
this is something that the humans on the Earth and also the humans
on the four spaceships will see.
But the
spaceships 2 & 5(they will collide with each other)
are in a relative motion with each other, at a speed close to the
speed of light!!!!!!!
And the
spaceships 3 & 6(they will collide with each other)
are also in relative motion with each other, at a speed close to
the speed of light!!!!!!!!!
If the
clocks on the spaceships 2 & 5 are displaying the same ''time''
when they collide(figure 7), this means that we have a case in which the two
spaceships are in relative motion with each other, but their clocks
ticking at the same rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, where
is the time dilation in the relative motion between the spaceships
2 & 5????????
If the
''relative velocity time dilation''
exists, when the spaceships 2 & 5 collide they must not
display the same time on their clocks!!!!!!!!!
If during the relative motion at constant relative speed between the spaceships 2 & 5, the time on the two spaceships is actually running at the same rate, only in that case, when the two spaceships collide they will display the same time on their clocks!!!!!!
And of course in that case there is no time dilation in the relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships 2 & 5!!!!!
In order to say that there is time dilation in the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, when they collide they must not display the same time, and this difference on the time that they display will be the indication that during their relative motion at constant relative speed, the time on the two spaceships was not running at the same rate!!!!!!
When the spaceship 2 meet with the Earth, also meet with the spaceship 5(figure 7)!!!
Let's imagine that we are passengers on the spaceship 2.
At the moment that the our spaceship(the spaceship 2) has reached the Earth and just before the collision of the spaceships 2 & 5, we will look towards the clock on the spaceship 3, towards the clock on the spaceship 5, and towards the big clock on the surface of the Earth.
We will see that the clock of the spaceship 3 displays the same time with our clock on the spaceship 2, and we have no problem with that because the spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2.
We will also see that the clock of the Earth displays different time than our spaceship(the spaceship 2), and we have no problem with that because the Earth and the spaceship 2 are in relative motion with each other and we say that their clocks are not running at the same rate!!!
But, if we see that the clock on the spaceship 5 displays the same time with our clock on the spaceship 2, this will be something that creates a problem because the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with our spaceship, like the Earth does!!!!!
The Earth and the spaceship 5 are in relative motion with our spaceship(the spaceship 2), therefore, if we say that when the spaceship 2 meet with the Earth, the clock of the Earth will display different time than the spaceship 2 because their clocks were not running at the same rate, then we also must say that when the spaceship 2 meet with the spaceship 5, the spaceship 5 must display on its clock different time than the spaceship 2 because their clocks were not running at the same rate!!!!
If we on the spaceship 2 see that the spaceship 5 displays the same time with our own spaceship, we will ask: Why the Earth, which is in relative motion with our own spaceship, displays different time than our own spaceship, but the spaceship 5, which is also in relative motion with our own spaceship, displays the same time with our own spaceship, and the same time with the spaceship 3 which is stationary relative to our own spaceship(figure 7)?????
The spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5 in on the move relative to the spaceship 2, therefore when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet next to the Earth, the spaceship 3 will display on its clock the same time with the spaceship 2 because the time on the two spaceships was running at the same rate, but the spaceship 5 must display different time than the spaceship 2 because the time on the two spaceships will not run at the same rate!!!!
But if the spaceships 2 & 5 display different time when they meet next to the Earth, this is something that also the humans on the Earth will see, and of course the humans on Earth cannot accept that, because according to the Earth's reference frame, the spaceships 2 & 5 have travel the same distance, with the same speed relative to the Earth, and with the same acceleration, meaning they must have the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time and therefore display the same time!!!!!!!
Do you see the problem???
While the muons are moving towards the surface of the Earth, all we have is just a relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the muons, which means that the muons consider themselves as stationary, like also the Earth considers itself as stationary!!!
At this period, for the muons the reality is that actually the Earth is moving towards them, but the scientific community says that during this situation the time on the muons is running slower than the Earth's time due to the speed of the muons relative to the Earth!!!
So, the scientific community specifically says that the cause of the time dilation on the muons is their speed relative to the Earth, and it's not the acceleration or any other reason!!!
Now let's apply the same way of thinking on the spaceships that are moving towards the Earth(like the muons do).
When the acceleration of the spaceship 2 stops, and as it keeps moving at a constant speed towards the Earth, the spaceship 2 considers itself as stationary because it is in an inertial state, and the reality for the spaceship 2 is that actually the Earth is moving towards the spaceship 2.
During this period where the acceleration of the spaceship 2 has stopped, all that's left is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2, which means that the spaceship 2 says that the Earth is moving towards the spaceship, but the Earth says that the spaceship 2 is on the move.
But, the scientific community believes that during this period where the spaceship 2 considers itself as stationary, because it has stopped accelerating and it is in an inertial state, and while it moves at a constant speed relative to the Earth, the time on the spaceship 2 is actually running slower than the Earth's time, and that's why when the Earth and the spaceship 2 meet, their clocks will not display the same time!!!
(According to the scientific community there will be time dilation on the spaceship 2 for two reasons.
The one reason is the acceleration of the spaceship and the other is the speed of the spaceship relative to the Earth.
When the Earth and the spaceship 2 will meet, their clocks will display a difference, and a part of that difference will be created during their relative motion at constant speed after the acceleration of the spaceship 2 has stopped, and another part of that difference will be created when the spaceship 2 is under acceleration.)
And of course the same must apply in the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, because when the acceleration of the two spaceships stops and all that's left is relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships, during that period each spaceship considers itself as stationary because each spaceship is in an inertial state, but we must say that the time on the two spaceships is not running at the same rate, like we say in the relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and in the relative motion between the Earth and the muons!!!
The collision of the four spaceships is happening a few kilometres away from the Earth, which means that when the four spaceships meet with each other they have also meet with the Earth(figure 7).
There is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and there is also relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships 2 & 5.
What applies on the one case also applies on the other.
Our Earth must not be treated differently than a spaceship.
When the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, the spaceship 2 and the Earth are in relative motion with each other at constant relative speed, and the scientific community says that due to their relative motion at constant speed the time on the spaceship 2 is not running at the same rate with the Earth, and that's why when the spaceship 2 meets the Earth(figure 7) the clock on the spaceship 2 will not display the same time with the clock on the Earth.
But, when the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, also the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5 are in relative motion with each other at constant relative speed, therefore we also must say that due to their relative motion at constant relative speed the time on the spaceships 2 & 5 is not running at the same rate, which means that we must say that when the spaceship 2 meets the spaceship 5(figure 7) the clocks on the two spaceships must not display the same time, which is similar with what we say for the relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the Earth!!!
When the spaceships 2 & 5 meet with each other, they have also meet with the Earth(Figure 7).
The time that the clocks on the spaceships 2 & 5 display is something that the humans on the Earth can see!!!!
But, if when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet with each other they don't display the same time on their clocks(figure 7), this means they were not having the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time!!!!!!!
How can the humans on Earth accept that??????
The spaceships 2 & 5 were having the same speed relative to the Earth, they have travel the same distance while moving towards the Earth, and they were having the same acceleration, so how can they have different time dilation relative to the Earth's time???????
If during the relative motion at constant relative speed between the spaceships 2 & 5, the time on the two spaceships is actually running at the same rate, only in that case, when the two spaceships collide they will display the same time on their clocks!!!!!!
And of course in that case there is no time dilation in the relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships 2 & 5!!!!!
In order to say that there is time dilation in the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, when they collide they must not display the same time, and this difference on the time that they display will be the indication that during their relative motion at constant relative speed, the time on the two spaceships was not running at the same rate!!!!!!
The relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5 must be treated in the same way with the relative motion between the Earth and the fast moving muons which are produced in the atmosphere of the Earth!!!
If we say that in the relative motion between the Earth and a muon, the time on the muon runs slower, then we also must say that in the relative motion between the Earth and a spaceship, the time on the spaceship runs slower, and we also must say that in the relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5, the time on the one spaceship runs slower!!!!!!
If we say that in the relative motion between the Earth and a muon, the time on the muon runs slower, then we also must say that in the relative motion between the Earth and a spaceship, the time on the spaceship runs slower, and we also must say that in the relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5, the time on the one spaceship runs slower!!!!!!
When the spaceship 2 meet with the Earth, also meet with the spaceship 5(figure 7)!!!
Let's imagine that we are passengers on the spaceship 2.
At the moment that the our spaceship(the spaceship 2) has reached the Earth and just before the collision of the spaceships 2 & 5, we will look towards the clock on the spaceship 3, towards the clock on the spaceship 5, and towards the big clock on the surface of the Earth.
We will see that the clock of the spaceship 3 displays the same time with our clock on the spaceship 2, and we have no problem with that because the spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2.
We will also see that the clock of the Earth displays different time than our spaceship(the spaceship 2), and we have no problem with that because the Earth and the spaceship 2 are in relative motion with each other and we say that their clocks are not running at the same rate!!!
But, if we see that the clock on the spaceship 5 displays the same time with our clock on the spaceship 2, this will be something that creates a problem because the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with our spaceship, like the Earth does!!!!!
The Earth and the spaceship 5 are in relative motion with our spaceship(the spaceship 2), therefore, if we say that when the spaceship 2 meet with the Earth, the clock of the Earth will display different time than the spaceship 2 because their clocks were not running at the same rate, then we also must say that when the spaceship 2 meet with the spaceship 5, the spaceship 5 must display on its clock different time than the spaceship 2 because their clocks were not running at the same rate!!!!
If we on the spaceship 2 see that the spaceship 5 displays the same time with our own spaceship, we will ask: Why the Earth, which is in relative motion with our own spaceship, displays different time than our own spaceship, but the spaceship 5, which is also in relative motion with our own spaceship, displays the same time with our own spaceship, and the same time with the spaceship 3 which is stationary relative to our own spaceship(figure 7)?????
The spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5 in on the move relative to the spaceship 2, therefore when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet next to the Earth, the spaceship 3 will display on its clock the same time with the spaceship 2 because the time on the two spaceships was running at the same rate, but the spaceship 5 must display different time than the spaceship 2 because the time on the two spaceships will not run at the same rate!!!!
But if the spaceships 2 & 5 display different time when they meet next to the Earth, this is something that also the humans on the Earth will see, and of course the humans on Earth cannot accept that, because according to the Earth's reference frame, the spaceships 2 & 5 have travel the same distance, with the same speed relative to the Earth, and with the same acceleration, meaning they must have the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time and therefore display the same time!!!!!!!
Do you see the problem???
Let's see what the scientific community says that is happening to the fast moving muons that are produced in the atmosphere of the Earth.While the muons are moving towards the surface of the Earth, all we have is just a relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the muons, which means that the muons consider themselves as stationary, like also the Earth considers itself as stationary!!!
At this period, for the muons the reality is that actually the Earth is moving towards them, but the scientific community says that during this situation the time on the muons is running slower than the Earth's time due to the speed of the muons relative to the Earth!!!
So, the scientific community specifically says that the cause of the time dilation on the muons is their speed relative to the Earth, and it's not the acceleration or any other reason!!!
Now let's apply the same way of thinking on the spaceships that are moving towards the Earth(like the muons do).
When the acceleration of the spaceship 2 stops, and as it keeps moving at a constant speed towards the Earth, the spaceship 2 considers itself as stationary because it is in an inertial state, and the reality for the spaceship 2 is that actually the Earth is moving towards the spaceship 2.
During this period where the acceleration of the spaceship 2 has stopped, all that's left is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2, which means that the spaceship 2 says that the Earth is moving towards the spaceship, but the Earth says that the spaceship 2 is on the move.
But, the scientific community believes that during this period where the spaceship 2 considers itself as stationary, because it has stopped accelerating and it is in an inertial state, and while it moves at a constant speed relative to the Earth, the time on the spaceship 2 is actually running slower than the Earth's time, and that's why when the Earth and the spaceship 2 meet, their clocks will not display the same time!!!
(According to the scientific community there will be time dilation on the spaceship 2 for two reasons.
The one reason is the acceleration of the spaceship and the other is the speed of the spaceship relative to the Earth.
When the Earth and the spaceship 2 will meet, their clocks will display a difference, and a part of that difference will be created during their relative motion at constant speed after the acceleration of the spaceship 2 has stopped, and another part of that difference will be created when the spaceship 2 is under acceleration.)
And of course the same must apply in the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, because when the acceleration of the two spaceships stops and all that's left is relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships, during that period each spaceship considers itself as stationary because each spaceship is in an inertial state, but we must say that the time on the two spaceships is not running at the same rate, like we say in the relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and in the relative motion between the Earth and the muons!!!
The collision of the four spaceships is happening a few kilometres away from the Earth, which means that when the four spaceships meet with each other they have also meet with the Earth(figure 7).
There is relative motion at constant speed between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and there is also relative motion at constant speed between the spaceships 2 & 5.
What applies on the one case also applies on the other.
Our Earth must not be treated differently than a spaceship.
When the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, the spaceship 2 and the Earth are in relative motion with each other at constant relative speed, and the scientific community says that due to their relative motion at constant speed the time on the spaceship 2 is not running at the same rate with the Earth, and that's why when the spaceship 2 meets the Earth(figure 7) the clock on the spaceship 2 will not display the same time with the clock on the Earth.
But, when the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, also the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5 are in relative motion with each other at constant relative speed, therefore we also must say that due to their relative motion at constant relative speed the time on the spaceships 2 & 5 is not running at the same rate, which means that we must say that when the spaceship 2 meets the spaceship 5(figure 7) the clocks on the two spaceships must not display the same time, which is similar with what we say for the relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the Earth!!!
When the spaceships 2 & 5 meet with each other, they have also meet with the Earth(Figure 7).
The time that the clocks on the spaceships 2 & 5 display is something that the humans on the Earth can see!!!!
But, if when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet with each other they don't display the same time on their clocks(figure 7), this means they were not having the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time!!!!!!!
How can the humans on Earth accept that??????
The spaceships 2 & 5 were having the same speed relative to the Earth, they have travel the same distance while moving towards the Earth, and they were having the same acceleration, so how can they have different time dilation relative to the Earth's time???????
Let's see for example what the scientists believe that is happening with the fast moving muons, that will help us understand the thought experiment that we see here:
Fast traveling muons are created in the atmosphere of the Earth, all around the Earth, meaning that there are muons moving towards the Earth from opposite directions, like it happens with the spaceships 2 & 5 on this thought experiment!!!
So, for example, there are muons that are moving towards the surface of the Earth from both the North Pole and the South Pole, but the ticking rate of the internal clocks in all these muons is having the same dilation relative to the Earth's clock!!!!!!!!!
Similarly, we must say that the clocks of the spaceships 2 & 5 are having the same dilation relative to the Earth's clock!!!!
But here is the problem:
Imagine that the muon A is moving towards the Earth from the North pole and the muon B is moving towards the Earth from the South pole.
If the internal clocks on the muons A & B are having the same dilation relative to the Earth's clock, this means that the ticking rate of the internal clocks on the muons A & B is the same!!!!!
But the muons A & B are in relative motion with each other, therefore if the internal clocks on the two muons are running at the same rate, there is no time dilation in the relative motion between the two muons!!!!!
But here is the problem:
Imagine that the muon A is moving towards the Earth from the North pole and the muon B is moving towards the Earth from the South pole.
If the internal clocks on the muons A & B are having the same dilation relative to the Earth's clock, this means that the ticking rate of the internal clocks on the muons A & B is the same!!!!!
But the muons A & B are in relative motion with each other, therefore if the internal clocks on the two muons are running at the same rate, there is no time dilation in the relative motion between the two muons!!!!!
When the spaceships 2 & 5 were moving towards the Earth, they were having the same speed
relative to the Earth, they were affected by the same acceleration,
and they have travelled the same distance, and so when they collide(figure 7) they must display the same time on their clocks!!!!!!!!!
This is something that the humans
on the Earth can see.
And this is something that also
the humans on the spaceships 2 & 5 can see!!!!!
But the
spaceships 2 & 5 are also in relative motion with each
two spaceships undergo the same acceleration, and
when the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, all that is
left is relative motion at
constant speed between the
two spaceships, therefore
at the moment of their collision, the clocks on the spaceships 2 &
5 must not
display the same time, because the time on the two spaceships must not run at the same rate during their relative motion, likewise with what we say about the relative motion between the Earth and the fast moving muons!!!!!!!
This means that, at the moment just before the collision of the spaceships 2 & 5, the humans on those two spaceships will look towards the other spaceship, and they must see that the clocks on the two spaceships are not displaying the same time!!!!!!
This means that, at the moment just before the collision of the spaceships 2 & 5, the humans on those two spaceships will look towards the other spaceship, and they must see that the clocks on the two spaceships are not displaying the same time!!!!!!
The humans on the spaceship 2, are
expecting that the spaceship 3 will display the same ''time'' with
the spaceship 2, because there is no relative motion between the
spaceships 2 & 3, but the spaceship
5 is in relative motion with the spaceship 2,
at a speed close to the speed of light, so
how can the spaceship 5 display the same ''time'' with the spaceship
2, like the spaceship 3 does???????
Is it possible, to have the spaceship 3 not moving
relative to the spaceship 2, and to have the spaceship 5 on the move relative to the
spaceship 2, but the humans on the spaceship 2 will be seeing that the clocks on the spaceships 3 & 5 are displaying the same time at the moment of the collision???????
spaceship 2, but the humans on the spaceship 2 will be seeing that the clocks on the spaceships 3 & 5 are displaying the same time at the moment of the collision???????
So, the humans on the spaceship 2
will see that the spaceship 3 displays the same time with their own
spaceship, but if the ''relative velocity time dilation'' exist, the
spaceship 5 will not display the same time at the moment of the collision!!!!!!!!
But if the spaceships 2 & 5
are not displaying the same
''time'' at the moment just before their
collision, this
is something that also the humans on the Earth will see,
and that means that we have a case in which there are two
spaceships, the spaceships 2 & 5, that are having the same speed
relative to the Earth, but they don't have the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time!!!!!!!
this be happening????? Can the humans on the Earth accept
For example, is it possible when
the humans on the Earth watching the collision of the spaceships 2 &
5, to see that the clock on the spaceship 2 displays a ''time'' three minutes behind the clocks on the Earth, but the spaceship 5 displays a ''time'' seven minutes behind the clocks on the Earth?????????
something like this be happening when, according to the reference frame
of the Earth, the spaceships 2 & 5 have travelled the same
distance, they were having the same speed relative to the Earth, and
they undergo the same acceleration???????
the other hand, if at the moment just before the collision of the
spaceships 2 & 5, the humans on those two spaceships see that the
clocks of the two spaceships are displaying the same ''time'', of course
they will say that there was no ''relative velocity time
dilation'' in the relative motion between the spaceships
Can we have two
spaceships(spaceships 2 & 5) moving at the same speed relative to
the Earth, but those two spaceships will be having different ''time
dilation'' relative to the Earth's ''time''???????
2 & 5, because their clocks are not displaying any difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which of the two is going to happen??????
spaceships 2 & 5, at the moment just before
their collision(figure 7), they will display the same ''time'' because they were having the same speed relative to the Earth, or they
will display different ''time'' because they were in relative
motion with each other???????
they display the same time, this will mean that when they were in relative motion with each other their time was running at the same rate, so where is the ''time dilation'' in the relative motion with each other????
The spaceships 2 & 3 will display the same time, but they are not in relative motion with each other, so this is OK!!!!!
But the spaceships 2 & 5 are in relative motion with each other, so the question is, can they display the same time just before their collision???????
The spaceships 2 & 3 will display the same time, but they are not in relative motion with each other, so this is OK!!!!!
But the spaceships 2 & 5 are in relative motion with each other, so the question is, can they display the same time just before their collision???????
But if the spaceships 2 & 5 display different time, the question will be, can we have two spaceships moving with the same speed towards the Earth, but those spaceships will not have the same time dilation relative to the Earth's time????
When the acceleration of the spaceships 2 & 5 stops, thereafter the two spaceships are in relative motion with each other at constant relative speed.
If during this relative motion at constant speed the time on the two spaceships is running at a different rate, when they will meet next to the Earth they must not display the same time.
If during this relative motion at constant speed the time on the two spaceships is running at the same rate, when they will meet next to the Earth they will display the same time, but of course this will be a case where there is no time dilation in the relative motion between the two spaceships!!!
But there is also another question:
If we want to say that at the moment of their collision next to the Earth, the clocks on the spaceships 2 & 5 are not displaying the same ''time'', we have to answer which of the two spaceships will display more ''time'' and why????
I mean, why the one spaceship and not the other, and what is different in that spaceship, because there is a situation where according to the reference frame of the Earth, the two spaceships have travel the same distance, with the same speed, and with the same acceleration???
I mean, why the one spaceship and not the other, and what is different in that spaceship, because there is a situation where according to the reference frame of the Earth, the two spaceships have travel the same distance, with the same speed, and with the same acceleration???
We expect that both the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5 will undergo time dilation relative to the Earth's time, meaning that in both spaceships the time will run slower than the Earth(like it happens in all the muons), which means that when they meet with the Earth, both spaceships will display less time on their clocks than the Earth's clocks.
In the case where someone thinks that when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet next to the Earth, the clock on the one spaceship will display less time than the clock on the Earth, but the clock on the other spaceship will display more time than the Earth, meaning that the one spaceship has slower time than the Earth but the other spaceship has faster time than the Earth, the question that remains is: Which of the two spaceships will display more time than the Earth, and why this spaceship and not the other????
According to the Earth, the two spaceships have travel the same distance, with the same speed, and with the same acceleration!!!
If someone wants to say that in
the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, the time in the
two spaceships is running at the same rate, the question is why in
the relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, we say
that the time on the spaceship 2 is running slower????????
We say that the time on the spaceship 2 is running slower than the Earth, and that's why when the spaceship 2 and the Earth will meet, their clocks will display different time!!!!!
Similarly we must say that when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet, their clocks must not display the same time, because the time on the one spaceship is running slower!!!!
We say that the time on the spaceship 2 is running slower than the Earth, and that's why when the spaceship 2 and the Earth will meet, their clocks will display different time!!!!!
Similarly we must say that when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet, their clocks must not display the same time, because the time on the one spaceship is running slower!!!!
In the relative motion between the
Earth and the fast moving muons which are produced
by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth, we say that the time
on the muons is running slower than the
time on Earth, and that's why the fast moving muons are having much longer
lifetime than the slow moving muons.
Similarly we must say that in the
relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, the time on the one
spaceship must run slower!!!!!!
If someone wants to say that in
the relative motion between the spaceships 2 & 5, the time in the
two spaceships is running at the same rate, why in the relative
motion between the Earth and a fast moving muon,
we say that the time on the muon is
running slower????????
If we say that in the relative
motion between the spaceships 2 & 5 the time is running at the
same rate on the two spaceships, then we also must say that in the
relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, the time is
running the same on Earth and on the spaceship 2, and also we must
say that in the relative motion between the Earth and the muons,
the time is running at the same rate on Earth and on the muons.
There is relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and there is relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5.
If we say that when the Earth and the spaceship 2 meet, their clocks will not display the same time, then we also must say that when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet, their clocks will not display the same time!!!!!!
There is relative motion between the Earth and the spaceship 2, and there is relative motion between the spaceship 2 and the spaceship 5.
If we say that when the Earth and the spaceship 2 meet, their clocks will not display the same time, then we also must say that when the spaceships 2 & 5 meet, their clocks will not display the same time!!!!!!
see something about the fast moving muons
which are produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth.
Let's hypothetically say that the
muons are having an internal clock, and
we can see that clock!!!!!
The clocks on the slow moving
muons, while the muons are ''waiting'' to decay, they will measure
the same time with the clocks on Earth.
Meaning that the slow moving muons
will ''say'' that the clocks on the Earth will measure the same time
with their own clocks.
what about the fast moving muons which are produced by cosmic rays in
the atmosphere of the Earth????
According to the scientific
community, while the muons are travelling towards the Earth, the
humans on the Earth will find that a clock on the Earth will measure
8 microseconds(approximately) for every microsecond that the clocks
on the muons have count.
And that's why the humans on the
Earth will say that the time on the muons is running slower.
how the muons are seeing the situation?????
While the muons are moving towards
the Earth, and ''waiting'' to decay, they will find that for every
microsecond that their clocks are counting, the clocks on the Earth
are counting approximately 8 microseconds.
For example, the muons that are
moving towards the Earth will '''see'' that from the top of the Mount
Washington until they reach the surface of the Earth, their clocks
are measuring 0.7 microseconds(approximately).
But the muons will find that the
clocks on the Earth will measure 6 microseconds (approximately) while
the muons are traveling that distance.
And that means that the fast
moving muons will ''say'' that the time on the Earth is running
So, there is no reciprocity!!!!!!!!
So, there is no reciprocity!!!!!!!!
The humans that are inside the
spaceship 2, just before the collision of the spaceships 2,3,5 &
6, they will look towards the spaceships 3,5 & 6 and they will
see what time their clocks are displaying.
At the
moment just before the collision of the four spaceships(figure 7), the humans
on the spaceships 2 will see that the spaceships 3 & 5 are
displaying the same time on their clocks?????
spaceship 3 is always stationary relative to the spaceship 2,
but the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with the spaceship 2 at a
speed close to the speed of light, and so the question is, can they
display the same time at the moment of the collision of the four
spaceships, like the humans on the Earth are expecting?????????
spaceship 3 will always display the same time with the spaceship 2,
because the two spaceships are not in relative motion with each
other, and that means that they are always having the same ticking
rate on their clocks, and we expect that at the moment just before
the collision, the humans on the spaceship 2 will see that the
spaceship 3 will display the same time with the spaceship 2!!!!!!!
the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with the spaceship 2 at a speed
close to the speed of light, therefore if
at the moment of the collision of the four spaceships, the humans on
the spaceship 2 are seeing that the spaceship 5 displays the same
time with the spaceship 3, this will mean that it doesn't matter
if there is or if there is not relative motion, because we will have a case in which the spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2, and the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with the spaceship 2, but the humans on the spaceship 2 are seeing that the spaceships 3 & 5 are displaying the same time, which is the also the same time with the spaceship 2!!!!!!!!
if there is or if there is not relative motion, because we will have a case in which the spaceship 3 is stationary relative to the spaceship 2, and the spaceship 5 is in relative motion with the spaceship 2, but the humans on the spaceship 2 are seeing that the spaceships 3 & 5 are displaying the same time, which is the also the same time with the spaceship 2!!!!!!!!
The spaceship 3 is not in relative
motion with the spaceship 2, but the spaceship 5 is in relative
motion with the spaceship 2, at a speed close to the speed of light.
Therefore, if the ''relative
velocity time dilation'' exist, at the moment of the collision of
the four spaceships, the humans on the spaceship 2 must not
see the same ''time'' on the spaceships 3 &
if at the moment of the collision of the spaceships, the humans on
the spaceship 2 are seeing that the clock on the spaceship 5 displays
different time than the clock on the spaceships 3, this is
something that also the humans on the Earth will see!!!!!!
On the
frame of reference of the Earth, the spaceships 3 & 5 have
travelled the same distance, they were having the same speed relative
to the Earth, and they undergo the same acceleration!!!!!!!!
So, if the
humans on the Earth are seeing that the spaceships 3 & 5 are not
displaying the same time at the moment of the collision of the
four spaceships, this means that there are two spaceships, the
spaceships 3 & 5, that are having the same speed relative to
the Earth, but the ''time dilation'' that the humans on the Earth are
seeing in the those two spaceships is not the same!!!!!!!!!!
Can we
accept that?????
Can we
have two spaceships moving at the same speed according to the frame
of reference of the Earth, but the ''time dilation'' on those two
spaceships will not be the same according to the humans on the
object has one ''time'',
although is moving at trillions different
speeds relative to trillions other objects, and
each of the trillions objects that are moving relative to it, is
having only one actual
''time'', and the
relative motion between the objects does not have any impact on the
''time'' of the objects.
object/particle in the
Universe, is moving relative to almost everything else in the
Universe, at different speeds, but every object/particle
has only one
actual ''time''.
clock actually
has only one
ticking rate,
regardless if many other objects or observers are moving relative to
it at various different speeds.
The Earth
is moving relative to almost everything in the Universe, but it has
only one actual ''time''.
If we are
in the Earth, and we are looking towards another object, with which
the Earth is in relative motion, that object is in relative motion
not only with the Earth, but is moving relative to almost everything
on the Universe, but
that object has only one actual
''time'', like the Earth has only
one actual
''time'', and the time of that
object is unrelated to the time of the Earth, and the relative motion
between the object and the Earth will not have an effect on the time
both on the object and on the Earth.
spaceship or a particle(muon), which is in relative motion with the
Earth, it is in relative motion with almost everything in the
Universe, and not only with the Earth, but
it has only one
actual ''time''.
The moving observer will not see the actual ticking rate
of a clock, but when we are talking about
''time dilation'', we are talking about the changes
in the actual
ticking rate of a clock, and we are not
talking about what someone may see due to the fact that is moving
relative to the clock.
actual ticking rate of a clock and what
a clock actually displays, it has
nothing to do with the motion of the observer.
i will give you an example:
On the thought experiment that i present here, while the
spaceships 2 & 5 are moving closer to each other, when the humans
of the one spaceship are looking towards the other spaceship, they
will see that the clock of the other spaceship has a certain
ticking rate( figure 8).
Let's assume that there is no
collision between the spaceships 2 & 5, and the two spaceships
are passing the one next to the other, and they continue their
that the two spaceships are moving away from each other,
when the humans of the one spaceship are looking again towards the
clock of the other spaceship, they
will see that the clock of the other spaceship
has a
slower ticking rate than the ticking rate that they have seen when
the two spaceships were getting closer, although
the spaceships 2 & 5 are having the same relative speed as
before, and the actual
ticking rate
on the clocks of the two spaceships has not changed(
figure 9)!!!!!!!!
the two cases, getting closer & moving away,
two spaceships are having always the same relative speed,
the actual
ticking rates on their clocks has not changed,
but the
ticking rate that the humans of the one spaceship will see on the
clock of the other spaceship has
of course, in both
closer & moving away), the humans are not seeing the actual
ticking rate of the clock of the other spaceship!!!!!!!!!!!
For example, in the figure 8,
were the two spaceships are moving closer to each other, when the
humans on the spaceship 2 are looking towards the clock of the
spaceship 5, they will see that the clock of the spaceship 5 has a
certain ticking rate.
two spaceship, will not collide with each other and they continue
their motion.
In the figure 9, were the
two spaceships are moving away from each other, when the
humans on the spaceship 2 are looking at the clock of the spaceship
5, they will see that it has slower ticking rate than the ticking
rate that they have seen when the two spaceships are moving closer to
each other.
In both cases, getting closer -
moving away, the relative speed between the two spaceships is the
same, and the actual
''time'' on the two spaceships has not changed, but from the
point of view of the spaceship 2, the apparent
ticking rate of the clock on the
spaceship 5 is different in the two
cases, and
in both cases(getting closer- moving away), the humans on the
spaceships 2 do not see the actual
ticking rate of the clock on the
spaceship 5!!!!!