17 February 2019

Special Theory of Relativity is Wrong

On this blog you will find some errors, thought experiments, examples and ideas involving the "special theory of relativity".
What you will find here will prove that the ''special theory of relativity'' is wrong!!!

Special relativity has emerged when Einstein and other scientists accepted that the speed of light is always c in all inertial reference frames, meaning that the speed of light is always 300000 km/s(approximately) for all observers regardless of their motion.
But this is wrong!
Yes, the motion of a photon is independent of the motion of its source.
But, the speed of photons is not always the same ''relative'' to their source or ''relative'' to every other observer.

I hope I did not make too many grammar errors.
It was difficult to write in English because it's not my native language.

16 February 2019


Experiments have shown that the motion of light(photons) does not depend on the motion of the source of the light at the moment of the emission!!!
Let's see what are the consequences of that!


(At the beginning I will show why there is anisotropy of the speed of light, and at the end I will show why the "Sagnac effect" confirms that.)

About the Fast Moving Muons

Most scientists believe there are a lot of proofs that the special theory of relativity is correct.
According to them, one of the proofs is the dilation of time on the fast moving muons that are produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth.
Also, most of the others so-called proofs, are based on the decay of elementary particles, which means that are based on the same way of thinking that involves the fast moving muons!!
So, let's see if there are any problems with these ideas!!!

16 March 2015

Special Relativity is Wrong

On this blog you will find some errors, thought experiments, examples and ideas involving the "special theory of relativity".
What you will find here will prove that the ''special theory of relativity'' is wrong!!!

On this blog you will find some errors, thought experiments, examples and ideas involving the "special theory of relativity".
What you will find here will prove that the ''special theory of relativity'' is wrong!!!

At first I will post some thought experiments, and afterwards I will post some ideas about:
  • What we do when we measure ''time''.
  • The speed of light and why is not always the same relative to its source.
  • Errors in some famous thought experiments.
  • The resolution of the ''Ehrenfest paradox''.
  • The fast moving muons.